The Freedom Trail is a 2.5-mile path through downtown Boston that passes by locations significant to the history of the United State. Marked with bricks, it winds through Boston starting at the Common and ending at the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown. Stops along the trail include markers, monuments, plaques, graveyards, notable churches and buildings, and a historic naval frigate.
A group of geocachers have gotten together to put out the Freedom Trail Adventures which consists of 9 parts for a total of 45 locations along and around the Freedom Trail. All locations are available 24/7 and are free to visit. Each of the 45 locations will give you information on finding the Freedom Trail Adventures Bonus Cache, GC8XTR1.

A special Freedom Trail Adventures pathtag will be awarded for completing the 45 stops and the Freedom Trail Adventures Bonus Cache, GC8XTR1.

The Cachers Behind the Adventures

sloth96 – Full time engineer and cacher since 2009, sloth96 resides in the Boston area with two Siamese cats. He enjoys Delorme challenges, Interstate Challenges, 360 Degree challenges, and long walks on the beach.

Bushwhack Bob – Avid cyclist, peakbagger, and mountaineer. High points of all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC. Started geocaching in 2004 looking for new places to walk my Golden Retriever. Over 19,000 geocaches with no leap-frogging.

BluEyz and Bugsy – Geocaching duo that has been geocaching since 2001 and have hidden over 100 caches, specializing in intriguing puzzles and multi-caches. They have been on 3 geocaching cruises.

Dr.MORO – Domo!!! Wandering Professional Researcher in Biology from Cambridge. Geocaching since 2009 with lovely two-legged assistant. Not as high in the Found column as the other eight, however happy to help the Geocaching community as a Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App Beta-Tester.

momofm3 – Momofm3 is as it, not the mom of 3 kids, but mom of m3, actually spelled Emthry. He’s my child and is/was always an adventure... autism does that to the world. But caching keeps me sane! (Enough :P)

~Bailey~ – Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

uciphd – Originally from California and geocaching since 2006, uciphd enjoys fly fishing, swimming, chess, and crosswords. In real life, he designs drugs - only those FDA-approved, of course!

jewelsverne – Retired educatior & teacher/trainer of early literacy. A geocacher since 2011, mostly enjoying quiet hikes in the woods, but also the intriguing places & information geocaching has brought to me.